Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Taking a test drive and losing my pajamas...

Dear hubs and I headed to Arrowmont for a week of classes.  I have long wanted to share the craft school experience with him.  I picked this week at Arrowmont as there was a bowl turning class for him.

The instructor,  Rudy Lopez lead twelve woodturners in creating bowls of all different shapes and sizes.  I took a Doll Making class with Nicole HaveKost.
Test driving a new craft as we do.  It was an adventure.

An incredible array of dolls were created using paper clay.  I used a hacksaw, sandpaper and got covered in clay and paint.  I am not sure tremulous hands and superglue are the best combo, more about that later.

Meet Splinter, a woodturner addicted to coke and Lucy the most disagreeable knitter ever!  These were fully completed after I got home.  There was an unfortunate incident while I was supergluing Lucy's hair on her head.  I was wearing my favorite pajamas as I worked last Sunday morning.  
I inadvertently glued my pants to my leg.  When I grabbed the pajama leg to pull it away I ripped the leg off below the knee.

There are no pictures, I need to preserve a little dignity.   My foray into doll making has sent me running back to the tapestry loom and away from the hazards of doll making. 

No worries Arrowmont, I still love you.  Although, doll making is not my cup of tea the class was great fun.  Also I think exploring new materials and art techniques have spurred my tapestry muse.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to meet Splinter & Lucy! But sorry about the PJs. LOL
