Saturday, March 18, 2017

Oh Pear!

A few weekends ago when Riley stayed over we did we did some watercolors.   I was inspired by this napkin on the counter.

My rendition of a pear.

This was a fun watercolor, I didn't stress over a perfect likeness.  My watercolors are for weaving cartoons not final products.

Making a good start, using my 12 inch Mirrix loom with cotton seine twine with a sett of 8 epi.  Weft is Appleton 2 ply tapestry wool.  Three strands bundled together.  Above you can see I am weaving the area surrounding the bottom curves of the pear.

Can you spot the Oops?  I have blocked in an area by weaving too far on the exterior of the pear.  Total rookie mistake!

Meet and separate.



Tomorrow I will cut this off and mount it.  This was a diversion, I really should be weaving Red Rocks for the Tapestry Weavers South show in May.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Red Rocks

After finishing Road to Mamers it was time to plan the next tapestry.  Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your perspective I have more tapestry ideas and enthusiasm at this point than skills.

I admire the work of tapestry weavers who also draw, sketch and paint, like Tommye ScanlonSarah Swett and Janette Meetze.  Alas, I do not draw or paint.  I did take a gazillion pictures when Rachel and I were in Arizona though. Each day we were surrounded by gorgeous vistas that took my breath away.  I blogged about it here.

So I went through all the photos, chose one and played with enlarging it and isolating an interesting piece of the picture.

The view from our room at Sky Ranch Lodge.

With some computer manipulation  I isolated the part I wished to weave and used the cartoon effect to edit the image.

I pulled out my Navajo weaving books for inspiration.  Should I border this with some stripes or Navajo motifs to honor the region and culture.
The next step was to determine the size of the tapestry, the yarn to be used and the desired sett or number of warp threads in an inch.  I really wanted to use yarn I already owned.

This is my collection of single ply Churro yarns, definitely the choice most in keeping with the Navajo weaving materials.  The colors were somewhat limited though.

Eventually I settled on the collection of linen yarns I purchased from tapestry weaver Martha Matthews' estate.

I decided on the linen yarns I purchased from tapestry weaver Martha Matthews' estate.
I don't want to take all the credit, I had help.  Montana has a keen color sense.

With the linen, I decided on a sett of 8 per inch and decided to use my Mirrix Zach loom.  Time to get warping.

My yarns and cartoon.